Peter Dreher


Peter Dreher, born on November 1, 1932, in Mannheim, Germany, is a renowned German artist known for his series of paintings titled Tag um Tag guter Tag (Day by Day Good Day).

Dreher’s extensive exploration of a single subject over several decades has earned him international recognition and acclaim. Dreher’s artistic journey began in the 1950s when he studied at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe, Germany. He initially experimented with various artistic styles, including abstraction and informalism. However, it was his fascination with the representation of light and the interplay between perception and reality that would become the central focus of his work. In 1974, Dreher embarked on his series Tag um Tag guter Tag in which he painted the same simple object — an empty glass — repeatedly over the course of several years. The goal was to capture the changing effects of light and shadow on the glass, exploring the concept of perception and the passage of time.

Each painting in the series is titled Tag um Tag guter Tag followed by a number, indicating the order in which it was painted. His meticulous approach to capturing the glass’s essence, with its reflections and subtle nuances, creates a sense of meditative stillness in his work. Dreher’s dedication to his singular subject matter allows him to delve deeply into the subtleties of light, color, and perception. The repetitive process of painting the same object day after day, with slight variations, invites viewers to contemplate the transformative power of small changes and the beauty found in the mundane.

Dreher has also created other bodies of work, including landscapes, still lifes, and portraits. His paintings often exude a serene and contemplative quality, inviting viewers to engage with the essence of the subject matter.

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