Nicolas Chardon: A PRECISE PARADOX

3 August - 22 September 2024 QG Knokke

"Stumbling upon the work of Nicolas Chardon without seeking to put it in a box or find references to it in the history of painting, experiencing a moment in which a certain magic operates: we contemplate, question ourselves, look more closely and very soon a smile plays on our lips, as we manage to discern what presents itself to us.

There is no doubt that the person behind this work professes a true love of painting and demonstrates a subtle irony, the lightness of which is almost lilting and beyond the cliché of the artist expressing onto the canvas his innermost feelings.

We simultaneously perceive the seriousness of the work in an almost intuitive way and a deep analysis of the conditions of painting, techniques and materials, their possibilities of bearing meaning but also their source of stimulation, without managing or wanting to express this directly with words."

by Roland Nachtigäller